Resolutions committee


The Resolutions Committee was formed to help women resolve concerns or questions they may have about their midwifery care. The Committee consists of a representative of consumers of midwifery services, nominated by local consumer groups, and a midwifery representative, nominated by the local region of the College.

The NZCOM Canterbury and West Coast region resolution committee members are:

  • Margaux Hlavac – consumer member
  • Rose Barker – midwife member

The Resolutions Committee provides a neutral, accessible, confidential and supportive service where women can resolve issues with the midwife concerned. This is a free service.

The Resolutions Committee is not a disciplinary body and does not have the ability to punish or take away a midwife’s right to practice. It can recommend that a midwife undertake professional development including Midwifery Standards Review. The Committee can advise women about other avenues to direct their concerns if necessary.

Resolutions Committee AGM Report 2019