Clarification around funding for screening tests for women donating breast milk.


January 2020

Memo to Canterbury Midwives

Re: Milk Donor Funding

In the community, in order to access FUNDED laboratory testing for Breast Milk Donors, the correct forms MUST be used.
Only some testing for breast milk donors is funded.
In the community, only laboratory requests received on Rotary Community Breast Milk Bank (RCBMB) forms are free of charge to the donor. All other community requests for breast milk screening need to be paid for by the donor.

CDHB funding for donor breast milk is available through Christchurch Hospital NICU, once again, this is only funded when the correct form is used.

When a community donor presents for breast milk donor tests/screening they MUST present a RCBMB request form in order to access funded testing. If they do not present a RCBMB form they will be charged for the breast milk donation screening tests.

The Charges and tests that should be requested for Breast Milk Screening are outlined below.

Breast Milk Donor Screening Tests
CMV $33.50
HTLV 1&2 $32.00
HIV $23.50
HCV $25.50
HepBSag $23.50
Syphilis $23.50
Total Cost (inc. GST) $161.50

Note: A $13.50 bleeding fee will also apply if the patient is seen at one of the community collection centres.
Prices as of February 2020 and subject to change.

It is important to understand not all tests offered by laboratories are funded tests, some tests require payment by patients and in this case by donors. Laboratory testing for screening purposes is not funded by CDHB and must be patient paid.

Breast Milk Donor testing is considered screening and is therefore unfunded. RCBMB is able to fund some milk bank donor screens, but only when requested using the correct RCBMB form.

Please ensure your patients are aware that Breast Milk screening tests are only funded in the community if ordered via RCBMB.

Kind regards,
Melanie Petrie
Head of Department – Patient Services, Canterbury SCL Tel: (03) 359 0919

To download the pdf please click on the link below:

Midwife Milk Donor Memo Feb 20