

These are the amazing community organizations that are supported by the region and are invaluable to women and midwives.

Rotary Community Breast Milk Bank

The World Health Organisation says donor milk is the next best thing for babies after baby’s own mother's milk.

Providing donor human milk to babies will have a significant positive impact on short and long-term health of babies.

We wish to ensure that all babies in need can have access to pasteurised donor milk for at least the first six weeks of life.

Canterbury Home Birth Association

Home Birth Canterbury was formed 1976 and is a voluntary organisation that promotes and supports home birth as an alternative to hospital birth.

The Association provides support and encouragement to those contemplating home birth and also supports midwives offering home birth in Canterbury.

Midwifery Resource Centre

The Midwifery Resource Centre is open from 12-2pm, Monday to Friday.

We provide free pregnancy testing, advice and resources for women, in addition to support for midwives.

Canterbury Breastfeeding Support

Canterbury has great community resources that you can give to your clients to support their breastfeeding while under your care and beyond:

Wahakura and Pēpi pod drop in clinic

Any one who has a whānau who requires a safe sleep space can either come and pick one up or send whānau down to collect. I will be providing the safe sleep message then with them.

Te Ha Waitaha - Stop Smoking Canterbury

The Pregnancy Incentive Programme (PIP) provides incentives at four milestones in the smokefree journey