17th September, 2019
Midwifery Lecturers x2 Manawa Campus – Health Precinct, Christchurch Permanent, 1.0 FTE and 0.4 FTE positions to start week 13 January 2020 We have the option of being flexible regarding role split, i.e. 0.8FTE and…
14th September, 2019
Whats on September 2019! Events Te Puawaitanga ki Otautahi trust are hosting: click on the link below: 2019 September Panui
7th August, 2019
We warmly welcome and congratulate our new office bearers! Davina Geddes is our new regional chair. Bex Tidball is our new regional vice-chair. Rachael Davies is our new secretary. We look forward to the the…
7th August, 2019
The NZCOM Canterbury and West Coast region held its AGM on the 6th of August and acknowledged the huge contribution that our amazing regional midwife members Violet Clapham, Kate Nicoll and Claire MacDonald have made…
7th August, 2019
The New Zealand College of Midwives held it’s AGM on the 24th of July 2019 and were delighted to welcome Nicole Pihema as the new college president. A powhiri was held to welcome Nicole into…
7th May, 2019
Yvonne Hiskemuller and Jaqs McFarlane and the Rotary Community Breast Milk bank were on One News on Sunday also International Day of the Midwife. Great to see all their hard work recognised as good…
17th April, 2019
Round up a team and register! Lots of fun, great way to catch up with colleagues and to help us fund raise for a good cause!
6th February, 2019
The region warmly welcomes and congratulates our new graduate midwives from 2019! It is great to see you at our regional meeting and we look forward to working with you over the coming year.…
28th November, 2018
It was an emotional afternoon tea held in our region to celebrate and honor Karen Guilliland! We heard about the amazing progress and change that Karen has achieved for our profession! There were messages from…
26th November, 2018
MERAS midwives strike 26th of November! Seeking recognition for the unique job that midwives do! Great support from midwives in the form of a picket in Hagley Park opposite Christchurch Women’s hospital. A coffee cart…
12th November, 2018
Help to fund raise for the Rotary Community Breast Milk Bank. Buy a tea towel they are great quality and make excellent Christmas presents!
12th November, 2018
This year the annual MQSP event was hosted in the Rolleston lecture theatre at Christchurch Women’s hospital with afternoon tea. We encourage members to attend this event as it is a really valuable insight to…