Rotary Community Breast Milk Bank



Is an initiative supported by the Rotary Clubs of Garden City, Christchurch, Papanui and Riccarton. We are very grateful to St George’s Hospital who have given us rooms for the milk bank situated on level one at St George’s Hospital.

Our aim is to work with midwives in the community to provide easily accessible donor human milk to the parents of babies who need a short-term gift of donor milk. We hope to ensure that all babies in need can have access to pasteurised donor milk for at least the first six weeks of life, in the hope that this will support the mother to continue to exclusively breastfeed her baby for a longer duration.


Click to see RCBMB on good sorts!

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The Rotary Milk Bank is staffed by volunteers and is open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 11:30 to 1:30pm and Wednesdays 12:30 -2:30pm to receive donor milk and to dispense it once it has been pasteurised.

The answer phone is cleared outside these hours and at the weekend by one of our volunteers. PDM may be dispensed until 5pm each day. Please call the Rotary Community Breastmilk Bank and leave a message and we will help if we can.

The success of the milk bank will rely on LMC midwives to spread the word and to recruit donors!

We also need people to volunteer to staff the milk bank.

If you are interested call the milk bank on 03 375 6281 and leave a message!

How to become a donor:

Screening bloods:

Blood tests must be arranged by a milk bank volunteer!

Women need to be screened for:

  • HIV 1  & 2 twice 3 months apart. If this was not done at booking it can be added to the booking bloods as they are stored for 10 months.
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • HTLV 1 & 2
  • Syphilis
  • Rubella (but the one from booking is fine)

Call the milk bank on 03 375 6281 if:

  • a woman in your care needs the gift of donor milk!
  • you have any questions about the process of becoming a donor !
  • you want to become a volunteer !

Help to fund raise for the Rotary Community Breast Milk Bank! Buy a tea towel $15 each- great as gifts ! To purchase a tea towel as displayed above call 03 375 6281 and leave your name and contact number and a volunteer will call you back.